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The Education Bureau (EDB) today (September 19) reminded parents who wish to apply for a Primary One (P1) place for their child in any government or aided school in September 2024 to submit their applications for discretionary places under the Primary One Admission (POA) System via the POA e-platform (ePOA) starting from this Thursday (September 21), or in paper form starting from next Monday (September 25).
Submission of applications for discretionary places
An EDB spokesman said, “Parents intending to apply for a P1 place of a particular government or aided primary school for their child at the Discretionary Places Admission stage under the POA System via ePOA should first register as ePOA (epoa.edb.gov.hk) users and bind their account to “iAM Smart+”, and submit their applications via ePOA between September 21 and 29. For details, please refer to the Parent’s Guides on the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/en/edu-system/primary-secondary/spa-systems/primary-1-admission/poa_eplatform/index.html). If parents choose to submit paper application forms, they should submit the completed application form together with all supporting documents directly to the school during school office hours between September 25 and 29. Parents who are unable to submit the application form in person may authorise in writing a representative to bring along the above-mentioned documents to the school on their behalf.”
“Irrespective of whether the application is submitted via ePOA or in paper form, parents should submit only one application for their child. If parents have applied to more than one government or aided primary school, their application for a POA discretionary place would be rendered void. In addition, parents should not submit duplicate applications via ePOA and in paper form for the same child,” the spokesman added.
The spokesman reminded parents that schools would process the applications in accordance with the established procedures and criteria at the Discretionary Places Admission stage. As such, there is no need for parents to prepare portfolios for their child.
In addition, children who have accepted the offer of P1 places in Direct Subsidy Scheme primary schools would not be allocated P1 places in government or aided primary schools through the POA System.
Application for Central Allocation only
If parents are applying only for the POA Central Allocation for their child, they should submit the application to the EDB via ePOA or in paper form on or before January 26, 2024. For submission in paper form, they should return the completed application form and supporting documents to the School Places Allocation Section (Primary One Admission) of the EDB at Office 2, 2/F, Manulife Financial Centre, 223 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong. Parents are advised to note that the School Places Allocation Section will be relocated in the fourth quarter this year. Details will be announced on the EDB website in due course.
Residential address
“When completing the POA Application Form, parents should fill in the actual residential address of their child. If a false address is given by parents to secure a P1 place for their child under the POA System, the application would be rendered void and the P1 place allocated would be withdrawn. If a false instrument has been used or a false statutory declaration has been made in the application, the offender is liable on conviction to imprisonment for 14 years or imprisonment for two years and to a fine respectively under the Crimes Ordinance. Suspected cases of using a false address for POA applications may be reported to the School Places Allocation Section by calling its hotline at 2832 7700,” the EDB spokesman emphasised.
發言人強調:「家長在填寫小一入學申請表的居住地址時,必須填寫子女的真確居住地址。家長若提供虛假住址以獲取學位,其子女的小一入學申請將會作廢,獲派的學位亦會被取消。若遞交的申請涉及製造虛假文書或作出虛假法定聲明的行為,根據刑事條例,一經定罪,分別可處監禁14年或可處監禁兩年及罰款。市民如懷疑有家長以虛假住址替子女申請小一入學,可致電學位分配組的熱線電話2832 7700舉報。」
The Education Bureau (EDB) today (September 6) issued a circular memorandum to all secondary day schools, primary schools, special schools and kindergartens in Hong Kong, announcing the arrangements for the provision of a student grant to day-school students in the 2023/24 school year.
An EDB spokesman said, “The Government provides a student grant of $2,500 for secondary day-school, primary school and kindergarten students every school year. The provision of the grant has been regularised starting from the 2020/21 school year to alleviate parents’ burden of educational expenses.”
The student grant is non-means-tested. All students, as at the date of application, studying in secondary day-schools, primary schools and special schools (including public sector schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) schools, English Schools Foundation schools and private schools) as well as kindergartens (whether having joined the kindergarten education scheme or not) offering local or non-local curriculum in Hong Kong are eligible for the grant. Students of evening schools, students of private studies, holders of student visas for entry into Hong Kong for studies and holders of the recognisance forms issued by the Immigration Department are not within the scope of subsidy.
The spokesman continued, “The following students are deemed eligible for the grant owing to special circumstances: (a) children at the age of 2 years and 8 months or above as at September 1 of the 2023/24 school year concerned attending a Special Child Care Centre subsidised by the Social Welfare Department owing to special needs; (b) newly arrived children attending a full-time Initiation Programme funded by the EDB; and (c) students taking full-time programmes for Secondary Three school leavers offered by the Vocational Training Council. We will issue letters to relevant organisations and institutions today to inform them of the details.”
The spokesman said, “Starting from the 2023/24 school year, the EDB will introduce electronic submission of student grant applications (e-submission) in public sector schools and DSS schools. Parents may log in to the e-submission platform via an ‘iAM Smart+’ account with digital signing function to submit applications for their children studying in public sector schools or DSS schools. The e-platform will open from 6am on September 14 to 11.59pm on October 2. Parents are encouraged to submit applications online to enjoy the convenience of the e-service.”
To cater for the needs of individual parents, apart from e-submission, the EDB provides an option for parents to return the completed applications in paper form to schools. However, only one application, either in electronic form or paper form, can be submitted for each eligible student. Schools are required to submit the completed forms to the EDB for follow-up on or before November 8. The EDB will normally disburse the subsidy gradually within about six weeks after receiving the duly completed application forms and will inform parents of the application progress via SMS and email as appropriate.
Details of the student grant are available on the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/en/student-parents/support-subsidies/student-grant/index.html).